Support The Foundry
There are many ways you can support the foundry, the most important is to simply participate in and be part of what we are doing.
Take a class, teach, volunteer, or simply keep us in your prayers.
If you chose to sponsor or donate financially to the Foundry we want to try to make it as simple as possible. If you have any questions about giving to the Foundry feel free to call us: 812.858.3082
Did you know that for just $40 a month,
you can sponsor a child to attend our After School Arts program!
All donations are tax deductible!
The Foundry is a 501(c)(3) – nonprofit business.
You can donate online today:
One Time Gift
To set up a monthly donation email: info@foundryarts.org

Support Through Prayer
We know that PRAYER is by far the most important action anyone can do in support of the Foundry’s ministry. Please join us in continued prayer in the following ways:
Leadership: Please pray that our board of directors and executive team clearly hear the voice of God related to leadership decisions and mission direction.
Staff and Mentors: Please pray that our staff and teaching artists will be continually renewed and be empowered to develop God honoring relationships with students that result in life transformation.
Students: Please pray that our students will be impacted by the teaching of God’s word and through their involvement at the Foundry they will gain a full understanding of the blessings that come from submitting their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Community: Please pray that our actions as artists can be used to have an impact for the Kingdom of Christ on our local community and around the world.
Come to an event, and bring a friend or two along.